I have A LOT of bad habits when it comes to dieting, which I don't even like to call it that because I'm not just dieting I'm trying to make some serious changes in my life. My spouse and I recently bought a house that needed some work done to it before it is able to be moved into and with being there long days we have started to eat out, and by eating out I mean the heavy fat crap that is served at most places when you just want something quick to eat so you can get back to work. Since we have bought the house I have been stuck in a rut and just keep going round and round with my bad habits. I had steered off chocolate for a couple weeks (and I work in an office where several people have candy jars on their desk!) but this week and some of last week I find myself raiding their candy jars telling myself it's only a little piece of candy, but that little piece of candy becomes the size of a king sized candy bar in no time.
I do keep a food diary and I have read on several weight loss blogs such as Get Fit Slowly and Weight Loss Journal and they talk about the importance of keeping a journal as well as my Dr. which I do keep a journal on thedailyplate.com which is a free service that allows you to keep a journal of your daily food intake and gives you the amount of calories to consume in a day to ensure that you loose 2 lbs per wk. Which since we bought this house has been very depressing and I'm finding it harder to get back on track now. My spouse is wonderful and tries to help me get back on track but I have been finding it harder this time around than when I first started. I crave foods high in fat and I want chocolate like crazy. One good thing about getting the house is that I have been more active, painting, going up and down a ladder, carrying things in and out which has helped in not actually gaining any weight.
I am hoping that since we now have a refrigerator in the house we will go back to cooking more, I also need to get a new pedometer since I broke mine and I did go on a 45 min walk this morning. I have my fingers crossed and hope to get back on track soon otherwise I'm going to have to change my blog name!!
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